Part 60: Endgame: Grima - Chrom
Chrom Time
*Grima screams in agony*
*Grima disappears*
And the fight is finished
...We did it! And without sacrificing the life of another friend! Can you believe it, Robin?
Grima has returned to slumber.
He may rise to threaten the world again, but he'll never destroy it.
One such as I, or the first exalt before me... One will rise up to challenge him.
The fell dragon's era of chaos has been averted!
The Risen will trouble our world no more! You all know that I'm a simple man, never one for speeches or song... But you need to know this... All that is good and brave in me and what I have done is because of you! We have weathered a sea of horror, but we did it as one.
And, finally, we have come to the inviting shores of a bright future. Together.
Wooooo! I can't believe we did it!
Exceptionally well fought, my prince! At long last Ylisse can know lasting peace.
Nothing like kickin' the crap out of a dragon to make you feel alive!
Virion the Grimslayer... Ah, such a noble ring to it!
Yes! We won! We won! We... Uh, heyhas anyone seen my axe?
Anyone else hungry? Because I'm starving!
Let the scholars remember: there is no weapon more proficuous than the heart!
Hip hip hurrah! ...Huzzah? ...Hello? ...Anyone? ...Never mind.
We owe our victory to the world's finest captain and prince!
Laying it on a bit think, aren't all of you? ...Well, I guess it any time called for it, it'd be now.
Captain Chrom! How'd I do? I was great, wasn't I?
I never doubted us for a second! ...Well, maybe a half second.
The taguel have won more than peace... We have won a new clan.
And so ends another contract. ...Sweet, sweet victory.
My good prince... My joy has no bounds...
Today Gregor not be stingy! Treat everyone to special bear dinner!
All this happiness is so contagious! I could just...c-cry! *sniff*
At last, we have won Exalt Emmeryn her peace...
Stop grinning, you shameless fools! ...You want to make me smile, too?
Today's dance will come from the heart!
Whew! Quite a battle... Perhaps time to settle down for a spell.
Oh, NICE! I'm still bleeding in, like, twelve different places! Look at all that blood...
It's over... I'm finally free...
Chon'sin's struggle has ended. Mercy on you all, my good friends.
Har har har! We whupped 'em but good! Now, to feast! Bring the meat and mead!
The names of Chrom and Robin will long be remembered in Regna Ferox.
Look, Ma! Look, Pa! I done done it!
Well, it's back to business, I suppose. Drop by our shops now and again, okay?
Farewell, O dire beast! Now it's your turn to suffer in darkness!
Huzzah! Now I'll finally have more time for the ladies...
Well, heck. We actually did it. We saved the world!
My long training has finally proven its worth.
Truth and justice win again! Woooooo!
I never doubted us. We were born to win.
We have wrestled destiny itself into submission!
Mother! Now we have years to share stories with one another.
H-holy moly! I might make it outta here alive after all!
Well, how delightfully fascinating this all was.
Is... Is all the scary stuff over?
Our journey through time was worth it, wasn't it, Mother?
The world has been plucked from the maw of darkness!
This is good, though I will be most sorry to lose you.
But ours is a fellowship that cannot be weakened by time or distance.
As we walk toward a new and brighter future, let us think often on each other. And let's never forget what we have accomplished, here, today. Together.
*Some time later*
Huh? Oh... Hello, Chrom.
Don't bother trying to hide it. You're wondering if you should have sacrificed yourself.
How can I not question it? I could have ensured my bloodline never threatens us again. But instead...
I won't lie: your death might have spared the world future grief. Perhaps.
...But I know for certain it would have robbed the world of someone very special.
I'm just one woman, Chrom.
And the good you bring to the world will more than make up for it. You made the right choice, Robin. Everyone agrees.
Robin's spouse will chime in, except Chrom
And did you forget you're my HUSBAND?! You promised me we'd be together forever!
Indeed. Good wife, without life lacks purpose. I wish to be with you until the end of my days.
I know how you feel, Robin. And you and I are both stubborn! But I want you here with ME, you dumb lug! So deal with it!
You have always endeavored to keep your friends alive. But you must keep yourself alive as well! For your friends...and your true love.
Yeah, Robin! The Vaike swore to make ya happy for all time! Ya don't get to bail out early.
Robin, I am so lucky to have you. I could not bear to let you go.
Robin, just having you close transforms night into day. You wouldn't deny me that, would you?
That's right. You make me feel...well, like I exist. I need you, Robin.
If you had met your end atop that dragon, I...I could not bear it. I need you here, with me!
We have so many more books to read!
Your place is here. You completed me when no other woman could.
Robin, these hardships have made me a stronger man. You can't leave me before our life together can truly begin!
That's right. You don't get to die until I say you can! I was promised a lovely future, and I intend to collect.
Would you wish more years of loneliness upon me? You are my every joy. I want you here.
I still have a few sweet rewards left for you, my love. Don't go running away just yet.
The day you proposed to me was the happiest of my life. I want nothing more than to keep you close until the end of my days.
Always so quick to help others before your own self! It not so bright, but Gregor love you all the same! Har har!
You're not going anywhere unless you take me with you! We belong together!
You're a good woman to put the happiness of others first. But many of us are made happy just by your presence.
Forget saving the worldI just want you. Gods have mercy on anyone who interferes!
Robin, I've dreamed of spending all my years with you. I'm glad you didn't take that dream away.
Minerva would be heartbroken to lose you... All right... I...would be heartbroken to lose you...
Just DYING to die, aren't ya! Yeah, well over my dead body! My bloody, crumpled corpse... All bruised and broken... Mmm...
You saved our futureno small feat. We will use it to find a permanent solution for the fell dragon. And we shall do so together.
Come with me to Chon'sin, Robin! Let us watch the blossoms return. We have still many years yet to fill with happy memories.
You don't have to shoulder the world's problems alone, Robin... Besides, if you go, who's gonna take care of me?! Gahar har har!
If you're going to sacrifice yourself, you'd damn well run it past your wife first! ...I'm actually a surprisingly good listener.
Wanna visit my village, Robin? I'm gonna need to introduce the love of my life to Ma, after all!
Why don't we travel the world together? You might find your answers on the way. Oh, and don't worry about the cost. I'm independently wealthy.
My sword hand fears not the demon that threatens to one day rise again. As long as the scions of Naga live on, we need not fear evil.
Hey, now, how about a smile for old Inigo, eh? You're beautiful when you smile. And I want to look upon it every day.
Don't worry, Robin. I'll get you through your worries. I'll get stronger and make you happy no matter what.
You can't give up, Robin. To sacrifice yourself is unthinkable. We swore to find a path where no one has to be left behind.
Heroes have to put other people first, but I still don't want to lose you. I love you! And a dead husband is frankly no good to me at all!
Are you stupid or just selfish? What about me? If you let yourself die, you'd let my happiness die with you.
You changed our future and gave me a brighter one. With you, I feel I have a choice in shaping the events to come.
You should have told me this was troubling you. I'll never stop fighting for you, no matter how many folks try to kill me!
You assume you and the fell dragon both must die, or neither. I say we find another way! Together!
The thought of losing you scared me beyond belief... P-please stay with me. I need you so much.
If you must go, Robin, I promise to wait for your return. A dragonkin like me can wait a thousand years, if need be.
I love you, Robin. And I would have both you and our world safe and at peace.
Robin's child chimes in
Sorry, but you're not going anywhere, Father. You and I can destroy the fell dragon by awakening the true power in our blood!
Smile, Father! Think of all the women left to woo in the world. Ha ha ha! I jest, I jest! ...But seriously. Do try to smile.
I promise to f-fight, Dad. D-don't look at me l-like that! I ain't cryin'! *sniff*
You taught me about warfare, cookingall sorts of things. I want to learn more, Father.
Father! Promise we'll be together always! Pinky-swear it! Come on!
I know I'm not the most lovable daughter, but... I was hoping you'd stay with me anyway.
You showed me we all have the strength to best our fates. Don't tell me now that it was all a lie, Father!
Don't worry, Mother! We'll find a way to make things right! I know it seems crazy, but look at all you've accomplished!
Daddy, you're all right!
Oh, please don't leave me again! Everyone out here is trying to kill me, you know!
Father, I have done research into this fell dragon. I believe there are other ways to secure peace besides your demise.
*Sniff* *sob* *cry* Father! Fatheeer!
I don't feel it's my place to make demands. But I wish you would stay alive for me, Father.
I cannot imagine a future without you, Mother. Not anymore. You need to livefor me, and for all those who love you.
*Cue credits and character endings*